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The Tribune provides a general forum for pertinent local public comment, but the viewpoints published in letters to the editor
do not carry any implied endorsement or fact verifications
by the Tribune.
Letters to the Editor policy
A letter agreeing with another letter writer in opposition to the pricetag of the future City Hall and Civic Campus in Snohomish.
Letter writer alarmed by Everett Fire Department per-capita/per-resident staffing levels not keeping up with population.
A letter praising Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde and criticizing President Trump's cutbacks and reforms.
A letter in the Jan. 29 Tribune criticizing the plans for a new Snohomish Civic Campus.
A letter in the Jan. 29 Tribune that says President Donald Trump campaigned on promises to lower costs for everyday Americans, yet his policies will absolutely drive expenses higher.
Letter to the editor thanking the Tribune and questioning priorities to aid individuals in homelessness.
A Snohomish resident calls on more proactive consideration of climate change.
Thanks for acknowledging those who passed away while homeless in our county over the last year.
Certain proposed alterations to how the county protects wetlands in its development regulations have raised some eyebrows, including objections from officials with the state Department of Ecology and the state Department of Fish and Wildlife.
A letter of appreciation in the Dec. 25 Tribune for a story on a Ukrainian who's come to Snohomish.
A letter of appreciation for the Snohomish community and police department
A letter in the Nov. 27 Tribune about Snohomish's Homestead Park.
A letter to the Tribune of gratitude for holding a mirror up to the commmunity.
A letter writer says disrespect to police and the limits on police chases are terrible.
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