Letters to the Editor


Send us a letter: letters@snoho.com

The Tribune provides a general forum for pertinent local public comment, but the viewpoints published in letters to the editor do not carry any implied endorsement or fact verifications by the Tribune.

Letters to the Editor policy

  • All letters must be signed by the author and include a phone number and address for verification.
  • The Snohomish County Tribune will edit all letters for brevity, clarity and style.
  • Letters must be 250 words or less.
  • Authors may be published once every four issues.
  • We do not run letters with “character assassinations” of private individuals, and will scrutinize letters that put down public officials, public figures and public institutions. We encourage focus on actions, not the person.
  • We do not run attacks on unelected government employees. We encourage focus on policy, not the person.
  • We will not run negative statements about businesses by name unless there is a clear reason or clear situational example that warrants it.
  • We acknowledge the free exchange of ideas, but letters containing overt bigotry, racial supremacy, or vulgarities may be potentially denied altogether.
  • If the newsroom is unclear on your message, we will ask for clarifying revisions and withhold the letter from publication until the letter’s message is clear.
  • We evaluate letters that discuss national issues based on their merits and local relevance.
  • Letters about the Tribune’s reporting are published and not suppressed. We are responsible to the public and can withstand criticism.
Send us a letter: letters@snoho.com

Agree with letter writer this is excess


A letter agreeing with another letter writer in opposition to the pricetag of the future City Hall and Civic Campus in Snohomish.

Stats show Everett Fire Dept. woefully understaffed for population growth


Letter writer alarmed by Everett Fire Department per-capita/per-resident staffing levels not keeping up with population.

Opponents refuse to stand idle to President Trump's cruelty


A letter praising Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde and criticizing President Trump's cutbacks and reforms.

Snohomish Civic Campus unnecessary excess for town


A letter in the Jan. 29 Tribune criticizing the plans for a new Snohomish Civic Campus.

What we are getting with Trump policies will cost us more


A letter in the Jan. 29 Tribune that says President Donald Trump campaigned on promises to lower costs for everyday Americans, yet his policies will absolutely drive expenses higher.

Deaths of homeless individuals remind that services save lives when managed appropriately

Letter to the editor thanking the Tribune and questioning priorities to aid individuals in homelessness.

Looking to the past for a sustainable future


A Snohomish resident calls on more proactive consideration of climate change.

Thank you for recognizing people


Thanks for acknowledging those who passed away while homeless in our county over the last year.

Alterations to wetland buffer, critical area rules in Snohomish County code questioned

Certain proposed alterations to how the county protects wetlands in its development regulations have raised some eyebrows, including objections from officials with the state Department of Ecology and the state Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Story on Ukraine tattoo artist heartwarming

A letter of appreciation in the Dec. 25 Tribune for a story on a Ukrainian who's come to Snohomish.

Snohomish kindness in community, police department

A letter of appreciation for the Snohomish community and police department

Have your say on Homestead Park

A letter in the Nov. 27 Tribune about Snohomish's Homestead Park.

Good to get involved, and you can, too


A letter to the Tribune of gratitude for holding a mirror up to the commmunity.

Unrestrain cops from making arrests


A letter writer says disrespect to police and the limits on police chases are terrible.
