Safety nets for SNAP food benefits being improved


To the Editor:

    Great to see summer meal programs available for kids who face the challenge of hunger. (“Summer meal programs keep kids fed,” June 19 Tribune

    Wouldn’t it be great to get beyond the hunger issue that plagues millions of children and adults across America? The SNAP program battles hunger, but needs to be increased in the current farm bill being debated now in Congress. We can call or write our representatives and ask them to do just that. Rep. Suzan DelBene understands that the food stamp program needs to be increased, she lived on it for a short time to learn about the shortfall first hand. So take a moment to thank and encourage her and Rep. Rick Larsen, along with both Senators Murray and Cantwell, who are working hard to make SNAP more effective. America’s children will create a better future if they have enough to eat.

Willie Dickerson
