Make a new friend with pen pal program


To the Editor:
While bicycling, I stopped at the local library and enjoyed reading local publications… especially as local papers with their unique voice and style are becoming more challenging to find anymore.
They as you know are vital to showcasing local news and happenings their own unique flavor.
As such, a thought occurred to me that may interest your readers in tandem with National Letter Writing Week Jan. 14th - 20th.
For many years, I have enjoyed avid correspondence with individuals all over the country; particularly in small towns — a.k.a. pen pals. The vehicle some say is an antique — is letters. You get real-deal correspondence in your mailbox. All made possible by a little publication since 1982 known as The Letter Exchange (known as LEX) which connects people near and far. Think of it as the real gift that keeps on giving! In my case, pen friends that go back 35 years!
It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood when your mailbox has real mail again. Readers can peruse online to get a taste:


Leslie Seeche